The FREE Workshop will be held
Saturday April 26th
9 am - 12 pm
The Woodlands
Hampton Inn Suites
Are you ready to create a life you would love living?
In 1853, Henry David Thoreau wrote a famous essay called “Walden,” in which he included a hidden code for prosperous living. During this dynamic Vision workshop you will unlock this code so that you can harness your life’s purpose and the prosperity you deserve!
What will you learn during the workshop?
Two Essential Keys
for tuning into your purpose.
A 5 Point Test
for determining whether your dream is right for you.
Simple Thinking Strategies
that will guard you from fear, worry, and doubt.
What wealthy people do
that creates sustained success.
The Number One Factor
that causes people to lose steam when going after a deram, and how to stay motiviated and override it.
A Proven Method
for dissolving resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
The ONE critical thing
you must give up in order to reach your dream.
The Power of Vision ...

"Working with Deidrea has literally changed my life!" Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new way of living and thinking on purpose".
-Misty Hastenstaub |Life & Business Coach |Co-Founder HER Mindset Matters REI

"Deidrea helped me become the next version of myself and I love HER! I totally changed my beliefs about myself for the rest of my life and it all started with getting clarity on Vision!"
-Dr Jennifer Singh
Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine |Transformation Coach

"The Power of Vision Workshop was such a powerful experience. I have so much clarity on my vision and I am excited about my future and creating my dreams."
I'm Deidrea!
Dreamer, Mother, Entrepreneur & Coach
After 30 years in corporate America and leaving 5 different times to start my own business, I knows what it takes to create a vision for your life and business and then make it happen. I know that every woman has a unique soul print and purpose for their one precious life and when women boldly ask themselves this one powerful question
“What would you love” it unleashes the power within her.
I am the Founder & CEO of The Dream Academy and host of The Success Minded Woman podcast and I am on a mission to empower women to create a life they absolutely love living.
Regardless of where you are on your journey, regardless of the challenges or the years that have passed, it is never too late to design a life that you know you were meant to live.
It all starts with a VISION.