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THURSDAY AUGUST 1st  12:00 PM Central




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Jumpstart 2024: Your Ultimate Goal-Setting & Action-Taking Webinar

Are You On Track with Your 2024 Goals?

We are just past the halfway mark of 2024, it’s time for a crucial check-in.

How are you doing on your goals?

Are you closer to achieving the dreams you set at the start of the year, or do you feel like you’ve lost momentum?

JumpStart 2024

Time: 12:00 PM CST - 1 PM CST
Location: Online Webinar

Jumpstart 2024 is the transformational webinar designed to reignite your passion, refocus your energy, and put you on the fast track to achieving your 2024 goals.

What You'll Learn

1. Start with Your Vision

  • Connect with Your Vision for the life & business you would love.
  • Imagine it all worked out....what would you love to have created by 12/31/24?

2. Revisit & Revise Your Goals

  • Reassess your initial goals for 2024 and decide what you will focus on for the rest of the year.
  • Decide and Commit to your top 3 goals for the rest of 2024.

3. Overcome Procrastination & Overwhelm

  • Uncover the psychology behind procrastination and how to conquer it.
  • Develop actionable steps to stay motivated and disciplined.

4. Build an Action Plan

  • Create a detailed action plan for the next six months.
  • Learn to break down big goals into manageable tasks.

5. Stay Accountable

  • Find out how to build an accountability system that keeps you on track.
  • Get tips on maintaining momentum and celebrating small wins.

Why Attend Jumpstart 2024?

Expert Guidance: Learn from certified life & business coach and mindset expert

Interactive Sessions: Engage in the interactive exercises designed to put theory into practice immediately.

Exclusive Resources: Gain access to exclusive worksheets, templates, and guides that will help you stay on track long after the webinar ends. 


Don’t Let Another Day Slip By

The clock is ticking. The second half of 2024 is your opportunity to turn things around, to reignite the fire within, and to make remarkable progress toward your dreams.

Spaces are limited. Secure your spot today and take the first step towards a phenomenal second half of the year!



Q: What if I can’t attend live?
A: No worries! All registered participants will receive a recording of the webinar, so you can watch it at your convenience.

Q: How much does it cost?

Your Best Year Yet Starts Now

Half the year is gone, but there’s still plenty of time to achieve your goals and make 2024 your Best Year Yet.

Register Now and Jumpstart Your Success!













It's not too late to FINISH 2024 STRONG


A few words from clients ...

"Deidrea is amazing! She truly helped me rewire my brain and change my life. I was able to get a HUGE bonus at work. And that was just after a few sessions! Hire her NOW!

-Jessica Wilder |Television and Screen Writer


"Working with Deidrea has literally changed my life! Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new way of living and thinking on purpose!"

-Misty Hastenstaub | Life & Business Coach |Co-Founder HER Mindset Matters REI

"Deidrea helped me become the next version of myself and I love HER!  I totally changed my beliefs about myself for the rest of m y life."

-Dr. Jennifer Singh | Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine | Transformation Coach

Hi! I'm Deidrea Kiesling

Success Coach, Speaker & Life Mastery Consultant

After 30 years in corporate America and leaving 5 different times to start my own business, I knows what it takes to create a vision for your life and business and then make it happen.

I know that every woman has a unique soul print and purpose for their one precious life and when women boldly ask themselves this one powerful question 

“What would you love” it unleashes the power within her.  

I am the Founder & CEO of The Dream Academy and host of The Success Minded Woman podcast and I am on a  mission to empower women to create a life they absolutely love living.

For over 5 years, I am worked with organization and individuals, helping them build their dreams, accelerate their results to create richer, more fulfilling lives.

I know what it's like to have big dreams and never give up! I got married for the first time at the age of 39 and had my 3 kids now teenagers when I was in my early 40s.  I KNOW that where there is a will there is a way and I love helping women embody that and create the results of their dreams.

I am passionate about helping women go from Stuck to Unstoppable.  Whether its in coaching my clients, speaking to groups or leading workshops in business, church and organizations.

Regardless of where you are on your journey, regardless of the challenges or the years that have passed, it is never too late to design a life that you know you were meant to live.


It all starts with a VISION.

I help my clients get clarity in where they are and where they want to be in their life and and business. So that they can live their DREAM and achieve the results they want.