Free Course

Free Course

How to Get 10 Hours Back a Week

Focusing on your TO DO list is the WORST way to achieve your goals.

Sign up for the Free Course and start taking control of your time !

Get the tools and strategies to help you create time and prioritize your tasks so you are doing the things that will have the biggest impact.


What would you do with 10 more hours a week?...

Would you do  yoga in the morning?

like you have always dreamed and imagined you would do.

Would you start that business? 

the one you have been dreaming of and you know was meant for you.

In this Free Mini-Course you'll learn a proven way to get more done in less time so you can create your dream life & business.


Turn your To-Do List to to DONE

Focusing on your TO DO list is the WORST way to achieve your goals.  You will learn a better way to be more efficient and productive with your time.



How to Create Time


Time is  your #1 Asset and you will learn how to create more of it to achieve your goals.



A proven method to Prioritize Your Tasks

Let's face it, you have more than you can do on your plate and you will learn how to prioritize to focus on the biggest impact activities.

You will Get more Done in less time after taking this free mini-course

  • How to fast-track a project to completion

  • How to identify and work in your Zone of Genius

  • Understand how you value your time....and create more value

  • Learn the Magic Wand of Time and how to use it

Download the Free Mini-Course:

How to get 10 Hours Back a Week

Download your free mini-course and start getting more done in less time to achieve your goals and dreams!

I'm Deidrea!

Dreamer, Mother, Entrepreneur & Coach

After 30 years in corporate America and leaving 5 different times to start my own business, I finally figured it out and now I want to help you so it won't take you as long.

Juggling multiple businesses and projects along with the craziness of life, I always felt like I never had enough time to do the things I wanted to do to realize my dreams and goals.

I would try another program, another planner another coach but I would end up in a week or a month back to where I started out....stressed out, overwhelmed and not enough time.

Now I am able to do more in less time and I want to teach you how to do that to because YOUR DREAMS MATTER and SO DO YOU!